We Specialize in Process serving. experience you can trust. Your process server
We Specialize in Process serving. experience you can trust. Your process server
We know that finding a process server to serve your legal documents can sometimes be overwhelming. Our team as process servers include individuals with decades of experience to properly effectuate service on any document your firm desires. This is including but not limited to, Summons and complaints, Foreclosure Summons and complaints, Subpoenas, Demand Letters, Writs of Garnishments, Evictions Summons and Complaint, 3 Day notices, 7 day notices, Cease and Desist letters . We are dedicated to providing you with ease and confidence for all your process serving needs.
Ody's Professional Process is dedicated to providing quality, dependable, and professional process to the legal community on a timely manner. We have a network of qualified and certified process servers throughout the United States. Our Affiliates located in other areas have passed with great success our strict affiliation requirement which evaluates Process Servers’ experience, education, references and professional affiliation.
No matter how small or large the claims, we treat every assignment with our highest level of attention!
Have all your jobs at your fingertips on your own time. You will have access to view information regarding all your jobs pending or completed by using your unique login and password. See updates from our process servers on a daily basis, signed affidavits of service, pictures taken by our qualified process servers, skip searches, references, copies of your documents, ie: subpoena, summons, complaints, evictions, foreclosures, notices, etc.
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